Tuesday, December 12, 2017

How To Make Your Child’s First Visit To The Dentist Fun

How To Make Your Child’s First Visit To The Dentist Fun

You’re careful to make sure your kid gets their yearly checkups with the pediatrician, and you ensure that they’re getting enough to eat and adequate sleep, but remembering to schedule dental appointments can be tricky even if you’ve found a local Newport Beach dentist you love.  Or, even if you’ve got an appointment, you may worry that your child will be frightened or resistant to going to the dentist.  Here’s some hints, for everything from scheduling to attitudes.

  1. Report Cards Mean Cleaning

With the business involved in modern life, it can be difficult to remember to schedule dental appointments.  Regular cleanings, however, are very important for your child’s oral health.  Choose an event that you know will happen during the school year, such as receiving spring or winter report cards, and use that as a reminder to schedule a cleaning.  If report cards don’t work for your lifestyle, choose a different event, or use an electronic calendar that can be programmed to send you a reminder.

  1. Start Young

Did you know that it’s recommended to take your child to the dentist for the first time about the time that they celebrate their first birthday?  This allows your dentist to catch any cavities early, and also accustoms the child to the dentist’s office, so it’s not so scary later on.  But what if it’s too late–your child is older, and still not used to the dentist?  Check our our next tip.

  1. Talk About It Beforehand–But Not Too Much

If your child is starting regular dental visits late, take the time to explain to them how the visit is going to work.  Avoid telling stories about any extractions or fillings you may have had.  Instead, choose a neutral (and true) statement like, “the dentist is going to check your teeth and count them, and clean the sugar bugs off to keep them strong”.  Try not to promise anything more than that, in case your child ends up needing a procedure.  Additionally, try to stay as calm and relaxed as you can, yourself.  If you seem to think the dentist is no big deal, your child is liable to pick up on your attitude.

Read more here: http://www.dentist-newport-beach.com/how-to-make-your-childs-first-visit-to-the-dentist-fun/

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Upgrade Your Health At The Best Dentist

Everybody knows that without proper dental care, problems like pain, cavities, and unsightly tooth damage can occur.  But there’s even more reasons to seek out the best Newport Beach dentist.  Did you know regular dental care and cleanings can actually improve the health of your entire body?

How Lack Of Dental Care Can Make You Sicker

Why do dentists work with such care to remove plaque from your teeth?  Over time, a buildup of plaque and tartar will cause inflammation in your oral tissues.  This can be painful in your mouth, producing sensitive gums and eventually cavities.  But even without dental pain, inflammation can still harm you, because inflammation anywhere in the body affects the entire body.  Did you know that oral inflammation can worsen:
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sleep apnea
  • Dementia
  • Risk of premature birth
Read more here: http://www.dentist-newport-beach.com/upgrade-health-best-dentist/

Friday, December 1, 2017

Looking For Your Ideal Newport Beach Dentist? Here’s Some Tips For Finding A Practice You Love

Dental health is one thing that many people neglect until they have a problem.  By then, however, it’s often too late–if you’re experiencing pain, a lot of damage has likely already occurred to your tooth.  Why suffer more than you have to?  With our tips, you’ll have no trouble finding a local  Newport Beach dentist you love.  (We are partial to Anthony Rich Dentistry.)
  1. Check Your Dentist’s Reputation

In the internet age, there’s no reason to pick a name blindly out of the phone book.  If you’re considering a dentist, a simple first step is to run an online search for their name and practice, and see what kind of patient reviews they have.  This also enables you to see any newspaper or blog articles about your prospective dentist.

  1. Check The State Dental Board

Did you know that your state requires dentists to be regulated by a state dental board?  You can access their website or give them a call to check whether there are any claims against a particular dentist.  Many people omit this step, but if your dentist is in trouble from the state regulatory board, wouldn’t you rather know before you go to your appointment?

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Why Should We Replace A Missing Tooth?

Got a gap? Even adults may lose a tooth sometimes, whether it’s caused by a physical accident, decay, tobacco use, or age.
Losing a tooth may be a common problem even to adults. This may be caused by a lot of things like tooth decay, smoking, age, and accident.
You may think a missing tooth is just a minor cosmetic problem but in reality, there is more to it than just a gap in your smile. You have to talk to your dentist to replace it immediately. Here’s why:
HEALTH – Food becomes difficult to chew when you have missing tooth/teeth. Nuts, meats, fruits, and vegetables are essential to get enough nutrition, but it is going to be really hard to chew if you have missing teeth.

READ MORE:http://www.dentist-newport-beach.com/replace-missing-tooth/

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Toothache or Sinusitis?

A sinus infection and a toothache are obviously two different things. However, the symptoms are somewhat the same, so one is often mistaken for the other. There are days when your tooth hurts, and you go to your dentist to find out that there is actually nothing wrong with any of your teeth.
So how do we know if we’re suffering from a toothache or a sinus pressure? Well, you’re about to find out.
Pain in the maxillaries or upper teeth may be a sinus infection, or maybe not. This is why it is very important to know the difference.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Checklist For Your Next Dental Visit

Dental visits are no longer just about oral prophylaxis and cavity removal. Visiting your dentist twice a year is essential to prevent your teeth from getting damaged. However, if you belong to a high risk group- suffering from immune disorders, gum disease, diabetes, or a smoker- dental visits should be more frequently done.

We have prepared a checklist that you should keep in mind for your next dental visit:

Make sure to set an appointment with your dentist.

Avoid waiting for so long in the clinic. Avoid the lines by making sure you have an appointment with your dentist. It is essential to schedule your appointment in the morning because teeth are usually cleaner, assuming you brushed them the night before and as soon as you woke up. You would not want to set an appointment in the afternoon as this would only make you anxious throughout the day just thinking about it.

Note all concerns and questions you have for your dentist.

Due to anxiety, we tend to forget to ask important questions when we’re in the clinic. To prevent this from happening, jot down all your concerns on a piece of paper. You might want to take note of bleeding gums, canker sores that won’t heal fast, pain or sensitivity, cosmetic concerns you might have, a list of medicines you take, etc.

Come in 10-15 minutes prior to your appointment time.

This will give you ample time to fill out any forms the receptionist would require of every patients.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

How to Respond to Dental Emergencies

When we hear the word “emergency,” we think right away that it’s life-threatening. True enough, it is a difficult situation that can pose a risk to someone’s life, health, property, or surroundings. But do you know that dental emergencies also require immediate attention even if it’s often not deadly as you think?

Statistics show that dental emergencies are becoming more prevalent in both children and adults. Because of this, dentists are urging everyone to put together an oral first aid kit to efficiently handle various mouth injuries. As the name suggests, the oral first aid kit is only useful in alleviating or controlling oral emergency problems. Therefore, it should not be used as a substitute for professional treatment by your dentist.

(Click on the link below to read the entire article:)


Thursday, September 7, 2017

How to Overcome Dental Phobia

Are you scared of visiting your dentist or going through a dental check-up? You’re certainly not alone! Estimates of the Dental Fears Research Clinic revealed that five to eight percent of Americans are scared or avoid dentists because of fear. Another twenty percent stated that they would only go to the dentist if it’s an absolute must or necessity.

What Triggers the Fear?

Bad Dental ExperienceAn unpleasant episode with the dentist in the past such as a painful treatment, a dental procedure that went wrong or treatment which resulted in complications could all trigger dental phobia.
Loss of Control.Some people’s trepidation has something to do with the feeling of helplessness when sitting on a dental chair. They feel trapped knowing they don’t have complete control of the situation while the dentist probes on their mouths.
Embarrassment. Some people are ashamed that the dentist can see their poor oral condition.
Pain. For those who have a low tolerance of pain, going to the dentist can be especially trying.

Tackle the Problem and Overcome Dental Phobia!

  1. Acknowledge your fearCome to terms with your fear or anxiety of going to the dentist as this will help you and your dentist address the issue.
  1. Find the right dentist. Check local listings or ask recommendations from people who’ve gone through dental procedures before. Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, it would be good to set up a time for a visit just to get the feel of the place and have a little chat with the dentist.

Friday, August 18, 2017

How to Take Care of Your Oral Health This Summer

There's a little more than a month left before summer officially ends. This means you still have plenty of time to relax and spend quality time with family and old friends. Moreover, you can still enjoy eating your favorite ice cream, going to beaches, and getting active outdoors.

But before you hit your preferred destination, it's important that you also plan ahead on how you'll remain physically fit and healthy. You can do this by making a checklist of what's good for your oral health and what's not.

We want to make your life easy, so we've come up with a list of things you can do to get the most out summer. Here are they:

Wear plenty of sunscreen

Always remember to apply an SPF 15 lotion on your skin when spending more time outdoors. Don't also forget to wear a lip balm to moisturize your lips.

Don't overindulge on sweet foods and drinks

There are indeed several mouth-watering foods and drinks that can surely satisfy your sweet tooth. You can eat all you want but make sure to limit your consumption of sweets. Remember that sugar can enable harmful bacteria in your mouth and they can destroy your teeth fast.

(Click on the link below to read the entire article:)


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Fun Ways to Introduce Toothbrushing to Young Children

Are you having trouble getting your little ones to brush their teeth?

Don’t get too anxious or disappointed as that’s not at all surprising.

Surveys reveal that kids hate brushing their teeth than making their homework. It may be due to the fact that most small children don’t like doing chores and they see brushing as a task.

We’ll give five easy ways to make your children love brushing their teeth more than ever.

Brush alongside with your kids
Probably, this is the easiest and most effective on this list. Parents are good role models to their children. Anything you do may be remembered easily by your kids. If they see you brushing your teeth everyday, they’ll likely do the same.

Play a toothbrush game
Children love to play around so come up with a game that entails brushing their teeth. It would also definitely help if you join the game. It would not only raise their interest, but will likewise showcase their competitiveness.

(Click on the link below to read the entire article:)


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Dental Insurance Plans: Get Covered Now!

Worried about how much do you need to pay out of your pocket? Choose from a variety of dental insurance coverage that suits your need and consult a Newport Beach dentist like Dr. F. Anthony Rich. DDS to help you maintain that great smile! Read more: http://www.dentist-newport-beach.com/dental-insurance-plans-get-covered-now/

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Help Kids Deal With Juvenile Arthritis

Be aware of the symptoms of Juvenile Arthritis in children. Help your kids maintain a good hygiene and assist them to combat Juvenile Arthritis at an early age. Newport Beach dentist F. Anthony Rich DDS recommends a regular dental visit at least every six months to check or monitor them for signs of any inflammation or gum issues. Read more here: http://www.dentist-newport-beach.com/help-kids-deal-juvenile-juvenile-arthritis/

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Causes of Bleeding Gums and What to do About It

The blood on your toothbrush bristles and in your sink after your thorough cleaning of your teeth is something you should not ignore! Bleeding gums can happen for reasons.

Here are the reasons why your gums are bleeding and what to do about it:

Smoking. If you smoke, then you are at a higher risk of experiencing bleeding gums. Smoking tends to cause periodontal disease. The unhealthy substance especially nicotine in cigarettes cause plaque formation that when untreated could eventually lead to periodontitis.
Poor Nutrition. When you don’t eat enough vegetables and fruits and other nutritious food, you could be setting your gums up for inflammation. You don’t have to ban sweets totally off your diet; you just need to commit to keeping your sugar intake to a minimum. Thus a balanced diet is not only good for the body, but it also keeps your gums healthy and prevents oral diseases as well.
Improper brushing and flossing.  Your dentist recommends soft bristles for a toothbrush and to avoid pressing the floss against your teeth too hard to prevent irritating your gums. It is recommended that people brush their teeth with a fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day – morning and bedtime and floss daily to prevent plaque formation.
Hormonal Imbalance. If you’re a female, hormonal changes during menstruation and pregnancy can also increase the chances of having bleeding gums.  Women may experience natural hormonal gingivitis that is correlated with a monthly cycle or a hormonal change during pregnancy.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Are Dental Sealants For You?

Even an individual with a fastidious dental hygiene routine can be at risk for cavities and prone to dental caries. But there is another way to help keep the teeth clean – it’s called a sealant.
Even thorough brushing and flossing may not reach all the way into the depressions and grooves of the teeth to extract all food and plaque. Sealants help remove food particles and plaque from the smooth surfaces of the teeth and add extra protection for the grooved and pitted areas.

What are Sealants?

These are thin, protective coating made from plastic or other dental materials that adhere to the chewing surface of your back teeth.They have been shown to reduce the risk of decay by nearly 80% in molars which are especially important for the children’s dental health.

How Do Sealants Work?  

They are considered as raincoats of your teeth and is usually placed on the chewing surfaces as these are the areas where you have deep fissures.  Sealing these teeth as soon as they come through can keep them cavity-free from the start and saves you time and money.
A quick and painless process performed by your dentist, sealants will clean and dry your mouth before putting on an acidic gel on your teeth and roughs up the tooth surface. It is bright, white and has a slight tint depending on the dental sealant used.  It can protect teeth from decay up to 10 years! However, you need to have your dentist check it for chipping or wearing during regular dental check-ups.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

What You Need to Know About Dental X-Ray

Dental x-rays are also called radiographs. Your age, health, individual needs, and risk factors all affect how often dental x-rays are taken. Your Newport Beach dentist may require dental x-rays if:
  1. You’re a new patient or if you haven’t seen him in a while.
  1. You are required to have a dental x-ray if you are on a follow-up visit after a particular dental treatment.
  1. To show the condition of your teeth, their roots, your facial bones, and your jaw placement.
  1. To help the dentist see if you have the periodontal (gum) disease and how bad it is.
  1. Dental x-rays also reveal cavities, abscesses, and abnormal growths like cysts and tumors.
  1. It can save you time, money and pain. If you have a hidden dental disease, it may help save your life!

Different Types of Dental X-Rays

  1. The most common type of dental X-ray is called Bitewing X-ray.  It can determine if there is decay between the teeth which is one of the most common areas where decay-causing bacteria live. This x-ray also will also show bone loss when severe gum disease or a dental infection is present.

  1. Periapical x-ray is another type of  Dental X-ray which gives an image to the dentist of the entire teeth to help them evaluate the root structures as well as the bone levels, cysts or abscesses.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Pros and Cons of Electric Toothbrush

While choosing from a vast array of available toothbrush options can be confusing, the addition of electric toothbrushes have also proven to be a headache.
But are electric toothbrushes better than the traditional ones? Let us discover the pros and cons of the electric toothbrush as presented by your Newport Beach dentist:

  • The distinct advantage of an electric toothbrush is that it’s fun to use especially for children.
  • Electric toothbrushes can be a  time saver as this provide a cleaning job of delivering 6,000 and 30,000 strokes per minute.
  • For those who do not have the ability or grip to operate a manual toothbrush, an electric toothbrush is a great option. It is comfortable to hold and takes care of the rotating action for you.
  • Powered toothbrushes are far superior to manual brushes when it comes to plaque and stain removal.
  • Because the brushing motions are controlled, there is less likely for you to get dental abrasions caused by too much force exerted during brushing.
  • Other features of electric brushes that make it superior to manual toothbrushes are built-in timers, pressure sensors, and even UV sterilizers.

  • On the other hand, even a cheap electric toothbrush can cost more than a manual toothbrush.  That means that these can be pricey,  as the heads should be replaced just as frequently as a manual toothbrush should be depending on the toothbrush model type.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Causes and Treatment of Sensitive Teeth

Are you trying to avoid eating cold food or drinking hot beverages because your teeth are sensitive? It may be time to get to the bottom of this painful condition and get recommendations from your dentist on how to resolve this!

A common dental health concern that causes teeth sensitivity is the exposure of the dentin on your teeth due to receding gum tissues. When hard enamel does not cover your teeth and its roots, sensations will go straight to the nerve in the center of the tooth resulting in dental sensitivity. According to studies, various factors can cause teeth sensitivity.

1. Use of a hard brush and aggressive teeth cleaning.
2. Tooth erosion caused by foods and beverages with high acid content.
3. Receding gums that leaves root surface exposed
4. Teeth grinding at night and cracks or decay in the teeth.
4. Post dental treatment sensitivity like procedures of crowns, filing, and tooth bleaching.

Having a dental treatment with your Newport Beach dentist is always the initial step in finding relief from your discomfort.

Read more here: http://www.dentist-newport-beach.com/causes-and-treatment-of-sensitive-teeth

Friday, April 7, 2017

How Smoking Affects Your Dental Health

According to the Centers for Disease Control, about 15 percent of the entire US population or about 36 million people smoke.
The numbers declined over the years, but admittedly, those who are at risk still comprise a large number of people which is quite alarming.

Tobacco smoking hurts your teeth in many ways:

  1. Discoloration. The chemicals found in cigarettes cling to the enamel of your teeth causing discolorations or stains.
  1. Bad Breath. Particles of tobacco cling to the mouth a long time after you finish smoking. Bacteria also thrive on the smoker’s mouth, and no amount of gargling or brushing can rid you of the bad breath because the smell originates from the oral sores, decay, and possible gum disease affecting your mouth.
  1. Gum Disease. Your mouth loses its ability to fight off bacterial infection if you are smoking. Eventually, the infection will find its way to your gums. Untreated gum disease may cause periodontitis, where smokers may find themselves with gums, bone, and tissues holding the teeth, are pulling away from it.
  1. Delayed Healing. Smoking delays the body’s ability to recover from dental surgeries and procedures.
  1. Oral Cancer. The American Cancer Society also reported that 90 percent of those with mouth, lips, tongue, and throat cancers are smokers and they are six times more likely to develop these cancers compared to those who don’t smoke.
Oral cancer sufferers experience difficulty in chewing or swallowing, ear pain, numbness on the jaw and may have either a red or white patch in their mouth.

How Can you Quit Smoking?

  1. Your dentist in Newport Beach will either recommend nicotine gum and patches to ease your nicotine cravings.
  1. Herbal remedies like oats, ginger, cayenne pepper, radish, and licorice stick can also help.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Bad Habits That Can Affect Our Teeth

Healthy and sparkling teeth are forever considered the biggest blessings. They not only add value to your being but also makes the job of chewing food quicker.  It is said that diligence in oral hygiene is the cornerstone of a healthy smile.
In maintaining the health and shine of the teeth, brushing and flossing the teeth at least twice a day is needed. Regular visits to your dentist in Newport Beach is also a must. However, there are many things we do which put all efforts into a downward spin. Here are the most common but damaging behaviors that may affect your teeth:
Using the Wrong Toothbrush.  A toothbrush that is too hard can cause your gums to recede.  Abrasions may also damage the dental root surfaces. Using a soft-bristled, or medium high-quality brush is recommended.
Forceful brushing may irritate gums, hurt the teeth and may also damage the roots of the teeth.
Nail Biting. This nervous habit uses “parafunctional”  bite force which can wear down the teeth. It can also cause small fractures and chips.
Crunching and Sucking. Biting cold and brittle things can leave microscopic cracks or linear fractures on your teeth.
Eating food that is too cold is harmful to the teeth and weakens the enamel which may result to major teeth problems.
Excessive Mouth Dryness. Saliva is essential for the teeth. It contains some minerals which ensure the protection of your teeth.  Moreover, the presence of saliva neutralizes the acidity of the mouth that deteriorates enamel.Dry mouth severely affects your teeth and multiplies the risks of bad breath, tooth decay, and enamel erosion.

Monday, March 6, 2017

How to Whiten Teeth Naturally

Having great teeth is considered critical in our culture today. Your teeth are one of the first things people notice; They’re a sign of health, hygiene, and confidence.
Teeth become discolored (becomes yellow,  beige or even brown in color) due to the development of stains both the surface of teeth (extrinsic stains) and the deeper in the teeth’s structure (intrinsic stains).
Though there may be numerous products in the market to choose from when it comes to whitening your teeth, the excellent way to whiten your teeth naturally according to your dentist Newport Beach is to brush your teeth after eating or drinking.
Although food does not stain teeth, coffee and cigarettes can discolor the teeth over time due to the thinning of enamel. Stains and discoloration may need to be cleaned fro the teeth every three months, or you can try any of the natural remedies listed here: http://www.dentist-newport-beach.com/how-to-whiten-teeth-naturally/

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Effects of Piercings to Oral Health

As a dentist in Newport Beach, you may not like it, but piercing is a popular form of self-expression nowadays. It reflects individual styles and attitudes often considered daring and fresh. However, people interested in this trend should be aware that it is not without health risks.  
Tongue splitting certainly looks cool but can be dangerous to your health and could lead to more serious infections like hepatitis or endocarditis. Here are some immediate effects after oral piercing you have to know:
What can Oral Piercing do to your mouth?
Inflammation. When the tongue is swollen, it can affect our speech, as well as the way we chew and swallow. The lymph nodes become enlarged or tender and can last from three to five weeks.
Localized Infection. Since our mouth is a moist environment, it is an ideal place for infection. If infection occurs, it can become a life-threatening condition if not treated immediately. Seek professional attention if the infection progresses after two days.
Hypersensitivity. Oral Piercing likewise could block your airway and can also cause allergic reactions at the pierced site, especially those who are hypersensitive to metals.
Gums and Teeth. Playing or biting your oral piercing can damage your teeth and may also affect your dental fillings. You might experience chipped, cracked or dental sensitivity. Gum injuries and numbness of the mouth after piercing may also be experienced. It may also affect your sense of taste, or how you move your mouth.  In various cases, the oral piercing can cause severe nerve damage that could either be temporary or can be permanent. Excessive drooling may be felt after tongue piercing and a likely increase in saliva production.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Crucial Role of Saliva to Oral Health

The role saliva plays in our oral health has long been overlooked. Although composed mainly of water, it also contains substances that are crucial to:
  • keep our mouth moist
  • help us chew, taste, and swallow our food
  • prevent bacterial build up in our mouth
  • protect us from tooth decay and gum disease
  • keep dentures in place
What happens if you have too little saliva?
Your mouth becomes very dry if you don’t produce enough saliva, a condition known as xerostomia. Aside from it being an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive, it can also cause swelling of the gums, tongue and other tissues. Also, tooth decay and gum disease quickly develop if a person has dry mouth as saliva’s role is to clear food debris from our teeth. Without saliva, food becomes less palatable too.
Certain factors cause dry mouth syndromes like HIV, saliva duct obstruction, chemotherapy, smoking, and dehydration. In such cases, your dentist Newport Beach will recommend that you rinse your mouth with artificial saliva. It is in the form of liquid or spray which can be bought over the counter. It can keep the mouth moist however it doesn’t have the essential substances that aid digestion.