Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Causes of Bleeding Gums and What to do About It

The blood on your toothbrush bristles and in your sink after your thorough cleaning of your teeth is something you should not ignore! Bleeding gums can happen for reasons.

Here are the reasons why your gums are bleeding and what to do about it:

Smoking. If you smoke, then you are at a higher risk of experiencing bleeding gums. Smoking tends to cause periodontal disease. The unhealthy substance especially nicotine in cigarettes cause plaque formation that when untreated could eventually lead to periodontitis.
Poor Nutrition. When you don’t eat enough vegetables and fruits and other nutritious food, you could be setting your gums up for inflammation. You don’t have to ban sweets totally off your diet; you just need to commit to keeping your sugar intake to a minimum. Thus a balanced diet is not only good for the body, but it also keeps your gums healthy and prevents oral diseases as well.
Improper brushing and flossing.  Your dentist recommends soft bristles for a toothbrush and to avoid pressing the floss against your teeth too hard to prevent irritating your gums. It is recommended that people brush their teeth with a fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day – morning and bedtime and floss daily to prevent plaque formation.
Hormonal Imbalance. If you’re a female, hormonal changes during menstruation and pregnancy can also increase the chances of having bleeding gums.  Women may experience natural hormonal gingivitis that is correlated with a monthly cycle or a hormonal change during pregnancy.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Are Dental Sealants For You?

Even an individual with a fastidious dental hygiene routine can be at risk for cavities and prone to dental caries. But there is another way to help keep the teeth clean – it’s called a sealant.
Even thorough brushing and flossing may not reach all the way into the depressions and grooves of the teeth to extract all food and plaque. Sealants help remove food particles and plaque from the smooth surfaces of the teeth and add extra protection for the grooved and pitted areas.

What are Sealants?

These are thin, protective coating made from plastic or other dental materials that adhere to the chewing surface of your back teeth.They have been shown to reduce the risk of decay by nearly 80% in molars which are especially important for the children’s dental health.

How Do Sealants Work?  

They are considered as raincoats of your teeth and is usually placed on the chewing surfaces as these are the areas where you have deep fissures.  Sealing these teeth as soon as they come through can keep them cavity-free from the start and saves you time and money.
A quick and painless process performed by your dentist, sealants will clean and dry your mouth before putting on an acidic gel on your teeth and roughs up the tooth surface. It is bright, white and has a slight tint depending on the dental sealant used.  It can protect teeth from decay up to 10 years! However, you need to have your dentist check it for chipping or wearing during regular dental check-ups.