Monday, December 19, 2016

Who Possesses Stronger Teeth? Men or Women?

Does gender affect the person’s oral health? Definitely! Research shows that there are discernable differences between men and women’s dental health, not to mention the frequency by which they consult with the Newport Beach dentist for a regular check-up.
It was previously thought that the size of teeth matters. Men have bigger canines than women, so they were believed to possess stronger teeth. This factor has long been dismissed to be untrue, however. There are reasons far more important than the difference in the size of teeth. Based on the study published in the Journal of Periodontology last April, gender plays a role in dental health. Here’s how:
1.Women are more prone to tooth decay. The saliva of women tends to flow slower compared to men.  This is because of hormonal fluctuations in women since puberty until their monthly menses. Hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause or even the use of birth control pills can also affect the rate of salivary flow.
You might be thinking “How does saliva play a role in the development or elimination of tooth decay?”
Saliva buffers, washes and demineralizes our teeth. If the rate of its flow is slow due to fluctuations in hormones,        bacteria and food debris, which were not removed with brushing, will have higher chances to cling to our teeth, causing tooth decay.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Teeth Cavities: Cause and Prevention

A tooth decay can occur with dental care neglect and can destruct tooth enamel.  While it is regarded as the most chronic diseases in both adults and children, it can be prevented.
How Do Cavities Form?
Understand that cavity form when the particular type of oral bacteria feeds on sugars that come from your diet.
The cavity can form if the sugar in the food we eat is converted to acids, if we have an acidic diet, due to bacteria, or due to vulnerable teeth.
When sugar is being processed,  bacteria release acids that consume the hard outer coating of the teeth then creates small holes called cavities. Stop tooth decay and your risk of disease by adhering to basic standards of good dental care and regular visits to a skilled dentist in Newport Beach like F. Anthony Rich, DDS.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Facts About Dental Bridge That You Should Know

As the name suggests, dental bridges fill in or bridge the gap between the teeth that are missing or broken. On each side of the bridge are abutment teeth which serve to anchor the bridge. Under the bridge itself is/are false tooth/teeth called pontics which are made of alloy, gold, porcelain or a mix of these materials.
Dental bridges which are done by the dentist Newport Beach offer many benefits which include:
  1. Restoration of the patient’s smile.
  2. Restoration of the patient’s ability to chew or bite the food properly with force being well-distributed since the missing teeth is covered.
  3. The patient can speak properly after dental bridge placement since the teeth’s proper alignment is restored.
  4. The face of your shape won’t get deformed because there are supporting teeth already.
  5. The rest of the healthy teeth won’t drift away because of the support the dental bridge gives.
Your choice of dental bridge vary with the type of material being used and also with the way it serves its function in your teeth. The different dental bridge based on functionality are:

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Link Between Mental Health and Oral Health

Once, it has been thought that mental health is quite separate from dental health. However, new research suggests a connection between the two. Aging brings with it a devastating effect of mental or cognitive function decline especially when the dentist’s senior patient has some type of oral health issues, too.
Studies that were conducted between 1993 and 2013 were reexamined, and the results revealed that the number of the elderly’s teeth, the number of cavities they have along with the presence or absence of gum disease all contribute to their mental health.
The result of the investigation was published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society last April 2016. One of the study authors, Bei Wu, notes that there is a decline in the dental health of patients who have neuropsychiatric and/or neurodegenerative disorders. Even though there is not enough evidence to conclude the association between the two, however,  the findings should be sufficient to raise concern amongst the elderly and their caregivers.

Monday, October 24, 2016

What To Do When You Have Cold-Sensitive Teeth?

Did your teeth hurt when eating ice cream or drinking cold drinks? You are probably suffering from Cold-Sensitive Teeth.
Tooth sensitivity is not uncommon. It is said to be affected by age and is highest between the of ages 25 to 30. If your sharp, sensitive teeth also hurt when you aren’t eating or drinking something cold, you could be in the early stages of tooth decay or gum disease.
Here are some possible reasons why you develop cold sensitive teeth as cited by your Newport Beach dentist:

Monday, October 10, 2016

Bruxism: Causes, Effects and Cure

Did you wake up with a sore teeth or jaw or maybe a headache this morning? Does someone hear nighttime grinding noises from your side of the bed?  You may be suffering from Bruxism- the grinding and clenching of teeth.
For many, Bruxism is an unconscious habit.  Some may not even realize it until someone comments that they make a horrible grinding sound while sleeping. Some potential signs of bruxism may also include aching in the face, head, and neck. Your dentist Newport Beach can make an accurate diagnosis and determine if the source of facial pain is a result of bruxism.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

How To Have a Painless Dental Check-Up

For most, dental visit is greeted with dread.   It is one of the most unpleasant things to do. The anticipation of pain, terrible smells or dental drills is what makes us always find excuses to put off our dentist‘s appointment.
However, with the available state-of-the-art technology and high-tech tools, the visit to the dentist does not need to be painful. Here are some helpful tips to keep a person pain-free during the check-up.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Diabetes and How it Affects Your Teeth

Diabetes, as we all know greatly affects the whole body including your oral health. The lack of proper dental hygiene can cause gum disease or Periodontitis which can result in painful chewing difficulties and even tooth loss.
For patients with diabetes, watch out for dry mouth, for it is a symptom of undetected diabetes that causes soreness, ulcers, infections and tooth decay.
Research shows that people with diabetes are susceptible to Periodontal disease. It can also potentially affect the level of blood glucose in the blood and contribute to the progression of diabetes.
Thus, people with diabetes have a higher risk of gum disease and have immune systems that have a weak ability in fighting bacteria that invades the gums.
Diabetes can take a toll on your entire body when your blood sugar is high. The good thing is, prevention is in your hands if you take charge of your dental health.

Read more here:

Monday, August 29, 2016

How Mouthwash Can Benefit Your Oral Health

You can buy mouthwash at your local grocery store but do you know what it is and how it can help you? Mouthwash or mouth rinse are used for freshening breath, killing bacteria, preventing gum disease and reducing plaque. Sometimes all of the these are combined into one mouth wash. Below are more information and facts about mouth rinse your dentist Newport Beach wants you to know.   Ingredients in mouthwash
Alcohol, water, coloring, and flavoring are the primary ingredients in mouthwash. The ingredients that help fight oral problems can vary with the type of mouthwash. However, they can be put into these 4 categories. Fluoride is an ingredient that helps defend tooth decay. Another ingredient in mouthwash is astringent salts. This ingredient helps alleviate bad breath. The antimicrobial ingredient in mouthwash helps fight bacteria which could decrease plaque, gingivitis symptoms, and bad breath.
Read more here:

Monday, August 22, 2016

Why is flossing important?

Friday, August 12, 2016

How to Teach Your Kids Proper Dental Hab

During the first years of the life of a child, a healthy permanent teeth foundation is laid. Proper oral hygiene routine to help ensure the development of a strong and healthy teeth is essential during this stage. Research shows that a child who develops cavities in their baby teeth will have a high tendency of getting it during adulthood. That is why it is important to visit your Newport Beach dentist for a regular check-up.
Children’s primary teeth start to erupt at the age of six months and approximately two and a half years of age, the main dentition is completed. The role of parents to have their children develop a proper oral hygiene is critical. Supervision through good toothbrushing for the first 12 years is considered crucial until the eruption of the second molar around this age. Lead by example by letting your child watch as you brush your teeth and also provide them the information on the importance of brushing. Here are some helpful and fun tips you can try for your kids to establish regular brushing habits:

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Best Tooth Whitening Method? Check Out Your Options!

Are you confident even if you’re wearing your not so pearly white teeth?
Most of our answers could be maybe or maybe not! Yes, millions are suffering from dental discoloration in various degrees despite the regular brushing, flossing, and visits to the dentist. The teeth’s natural radiance will eventually take its toll.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Why are dental check-ups Important?

One reason why you should get regular dental checks is that it helps prevent tooth decay. Regular dental check-ups help dentists find early signs of gum disease or plaque buildup that can lead to cavities. This, of course, can also help bad breath problems. The most valuable thing that comes out of regular dental check-ups is that they help detect early forms of diseases, and sometimes even oral cancer. Finally, after your checkup, you will feel better about yourself and your smile.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Improve Gummy Smile through the Help of Your Cosmetic Dentist

A smile appeals to both the person’s aesthetics and people’s perception. People undergo treatment from a cosmetic dentist because they are unhappy with their smile.
So what is a gummy smile? Based on research,  it is when four millimeters of gum tissue shows that can make your teeth seem very small or oddly shaped) thus it appears that a disproportionate amount of gum tissue is along the teeth. The smile produced by a person with gummy smile can ultimately appear less symmetrical and less attractive due to the excessive gum tissues around the teeth.  

Ask a Cosmetic Dentist if Veneers are Right for You

Dental veneers or most popularly known as porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates typically are colored similar to your teeth and are used cover the front surface of teeth to improve one’s appearance. It is considered to be the most effective restorative procedures to rectify teeth that are chipped, stained or discolored performed by a cosmetic dentist.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Dental Implant Facts You Need to Know From Your Dentist

What is Dental Implant?
It serves as replacement roots for the teeth that are made to match your natural ones and provide strong foundation for a permanent or removable replacement teeth. Implants can be for a single tooth, several teeth or all of the teeth. The goal is to restore function as well as aesthetics.
Dental implants are made of Titanium and other materials that are compatible with the human body. It is fused to the jawbone thus it is important to have healthy gums and adequate bone to support the implant.  Patients have to also undergo examination from his/her dentist before considering a dental implant procedure as several factors need to be considered.

Here are some important things you need to know before you book an appointment for the implant:

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Your Dentist Can Give You A Dazzling Smile

An attractive and clean smile can provide a big impact on one’s confidence and more often contributes to improving great positive results in the aspects of career and relationships. Indeed, in one of the surveys which 5,500 men and women participated in, more than half of singles chose teeth as the most important characteristic for a potential date. It turned out that single men and women are looking for the same asset when it comes to their prospective dates: Straight and white teeth.
There are number of ways and technologies nowadays to whiten teeth aside from the do-it-yourself remedies. Check this out:

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures Can Help Improve Emotional Health

Cosmetic dentistry is important especially for those who have teeth severely damaged by cavities and decay. Although they may be suffering from such a condition, however, there are cases that can still salvage the teeth through certain procedures for cosmetic dentistry in Newport Beach.

This can restore not only the appearance of the teeth, but also its complete functionalities. For instance, for those with severe tooth damage,  chewing food is challenging and maybe even painful. To remedy this, having fillings or crowns make it an easier task.

Beyond these benefits, however, it’s been found that cosmetic dentistry also can do a lot for one’s emotional and psychological health.

The Smile and Emotional Connection

According to studies, as much as 70% to 90% of people with dental problems have one simple wish--that is, to bring back their bright smiles. It may seem rather simplistic and even vain; however, it also shows how much a smile can affect a person’s disposition.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Getting to Know the Importance of Endodontic Care from Your Dentist

Sometimes your toothache can get so severe, your daily activities and work tend to suffer from all the pain. This may call for an immediate visit with your dentist in Newport Beach, CA, and you may find yourself being recommended to receive endodontic care. Now, you may get to asking what endodontic care is. Literally speaking, “endodontic” translates to “inside the tooth” (endo is Greek for inside, and odonto is Greek for tooth). In dental jargon, it essentially means working on the pulp, or the tooth’s soft inner tissue. In layman’s terms, this refers to a root canal. Endodontic Care Toothache or cavities will not automatically send you to a root canal appointment. However, there is the serious possibility that there may be infection, and it could spread to the bone, causing much pain and swelling. Your dentist will then have to examine the extent of the damage on your tooth’s pulp to see if it can still be salvaged.

Getting To Know The Link Between Diabetes And Oral Health From Your Dentist

Good blood glucose control is the best tool you have to keep your diabetes in check and prevent yourself from getting any serious gum disease which has the potential to develop into a serious gum disease. Diabetes can harm essential systems in our body. Your resistance decreases and you become susceptible to infection that can cause fungal infections.People that has this kind of disease also have a higher than normal risk of periodontal disease: the infections of the gum and bone that hold the teeth in place. Once you have periodontal disease, it would eventually be hard to keep your blood sugar in control.

Keep Bad Breath Away With The Help of Your Dentist

The first impression is always lasting and we want people to remember us by our confidence and smarts, not our breaths! Halitosis or most commonly  known as bad breath is caused by a bacteria that  breed inside the mouth, a tonsil stone, or even tummy troubles like reflux or ulcer.
The good thing is, your dentist found ways to prevent or otherwise cure this and here are some simple effective ways to keep your breath fresh:

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Ask a Newport Beach Cosmetic Dentist: Are Veneers Right for Your Teeth

A dental veneer may be made out of either porcelain or a composite material, and generally, the material is designed to be color-matched for a flawless look that enhances your appearance. The veneer will be custom crafted so that it can easily be placed over the existing tooth to give you a gorgeous facade that hides all flaws to the tooth. It is permanently affixed, and most veneers will last for at least seven to 10 years. This is not the only option available for most people to consider, so it is important to understand what veneers have to offer before you make a decision about how to proceed. What Veneers Can Correct A cosmetic dentist in Newport Beach like F. Anthony Rich, DDS may recommend veneers to improve the look of your tooth, and this is because the tooth may be yellow or discolored. Perhaps it has been chipped or even misaligned with the other teeth.

Seeking Treatment for Gum Disease from a Newport Beach Dentist

Gum disease is also known as periodontal disease, and it is most commonly associated with bleeding, red or swollen gums. Your dentist likely screens you for the early signs of gum disease with each visit that you make. The screening process is most often accomplished through a visual exam as well as by the dentist gently poking the gum tissue to measure it. If your Newport Beach dentist tells you that you have gum disease or that it may be developing, it is important to follow all treatment recommendations that have been provided to you.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Dental Cleaning Facts That Your Newport Dentist Would Tell You

How well do you take care of your teeth and gums every day? Your Newport Beach dentist, Dr. F. Anthony Rich, will help you understand the reasons behind all of this and will guide you on how to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

For good oral hygiene dentist recommend:

  1.       brushing your teeth for two minutes at least twice a day using a soft- bristled toothbrush to avoid gum irritation
  2.        floss regularly and correctly
  3.       brush or scrape your tongue
  4.       visit your dentist every three or four or six months depending on your situation
  5.       tobacco or cigarette is a big No! No!
  6.       eating healthy and nutritious foods

Would Deep Cleaning Hurt and Make My Gums Sore?

These are just some of the few and common questions that will come to mind before you endeavor to have your teeth cleaned. To free yourself from worrying, here’s a few important notes to know:

Teeth cleaning is very essential to keep your gums, mouth and entire body healthy. Different types of teeth cleaning will depend on how healthy your gums are. With your mouth full of bacteria, soft plaque on your teeth builds up.  A hard piece of bacteria called “tartar” will form if plaque is not removed on your teeth and this will cause gum irritation making the gums more sensitive to the touch. During the cleaning process, the dentist removes the plaque and tartar by scraping them off above and below the gum line. Getting rid of the rough spots on the teeth roots where the germs gather is also a part of this deep-cleaning method. In so doing, it causes the gums to be inflamed and sore afterwards.

What Do I Do Now? Should I See The Dentist Again?
It would usually take between 5 – 7 days for your gums to stop from being sore. If the pain persists after that period of time, then your best move is to make another appointment with your dentist. Your dentist will determine if you have a gum disease/periodontal abscess that need to be treated appropriately and quickly. Don’t delay, call the Newport Beach dentistDr. F. Anthony Rich for an appointment today and he will create a beautiful smile you can share and be proud of for a lifetime.

Why Are My Gums Sore After a Cleaning? by

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Picking the Most Reliable Cosmetic Dentist in the Newport Beach Area

Your family is in need of proper dental care that includes general and cosmetic procedures. Every dental clinic allows patients to receive the routine care they need before a cosmetic procedure is performed. You may visit the dentist at any time, and you must ensure that you have selected a dentist who will help you make the right decisions for your family. Adults may have cosmetic issues that have persisted since childhood, and children may have problems that have recently surfaced. Free Consultations A free consultation with a cosmetic dentist will help you understand what dental problems your family have which needed repair. Every dentist will offer a report that shows you how the procedures must be performed, and you may begin making appointments with the help of the clerical staff in the office.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A Dentist States the Value of Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing

Generally, the primary aim of teeth scaling and root planing is to remove the etiologic agents that frequently cause inflammation of the gingival tissue on the gums and also the bone that supports the teeth. The general agents that are removed when scaling is done are the calculi that is made up of tartar and dental plaque. Periodontal scaling and root planing usually do not require surgery, and they are preferred because of their ability to clean thoroughly the periodontium. The procedures are appropriate to those individuals who are suffering from gum inflammation caused by periodontal infection.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Newport Beach Dentist: How Does Dental Health affect Heart Health?

One of the best Newport Beach dentist, like Dr. Anthony Rich, discusses the effect of dental health to heart health and how good dental hygiene can help prevent the latter. Read more: