Tuesday, December 12, 2017

How To Make Your Child’s First Visit To The Dentist Fun

How To Make Your Child’s First Visit To The Dentist Fun

You’re careful to make sure your kid gets their yearly checkups with the pediatrician, and you ensure that they’re getting enough to eat and adequate sleep, but remembering to schedule dental appointments can be tricky even if you’ve found a local Newport Beach dentist you love.  Or, even if you’ve got an appointment, you may worry that your child will be frightened or resistant to going to the dentist.  Here’s some hints, for everything from scheduling to attitudes.

  1. Report Cards Mean Cleaning

With the business involved in modern life, it can be difficult to remember to schedule dental appointments.  Regular cleanings, however, are very important for your child’s oral health.  Choose an event that you know will happen during the school year, such as receiving spring or winter report cards, and use that as a reminder to schedule a cleaning.  If report cards don’t work for your lifestyle, choose a different event, or use an electronic calendar that can be programmed to send you a reminder.

  1. Start Young

Did you know that it’s recommended to take your child to the dentist for the first time about the time that they celebrate their first birthday?  This allows your dentist to catch any cavities early, and also accustoms the child to the dentist’s office, so it’s not so scary later on.  But what if it’s too late–your child is older, and still not used to the dentist?  Check our our next tip.

  1. Talk About It Beforehand–But Not Too Much

If your child is starting regular dental visits late, take the time to explain to them how the visit is going to work.  Avoid telling stories about any extractions or fillings you may have had.  Instead, choose a neutral (and true) statement like, “the dentist is going to check your teeth and count them, and clean the sugar bugs off to keep them strong”.  Try not to promise anything more than that, in case your child ends up needing a procedure.  Additionally, try to stay as calm and relaxed as you can, yourself.  If you seem to think the dentist is no big deal, your child is liable to pick up on your attitude.

Read more here: http://www.dentist-newport-beach.com/how-to-make-your-childs-first-visit-to-the-dentist-fun/

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Upgrade Your Health At The Best Dentist

Everybody knows that without proper dental care, problems like pain, cavities, and unsightly tooth damage can occur.  But there’s even more reasons to seek out the best Newport Beach dentist.  Did you know regular dental care and cleanings can actually improve the health of your entire body?

How Lack Of Dental Care Can Make You Sicker

Why do dentists work with such care to remove plaque from your teeth?  Over time, a buildup of plaque and tartar will cause inflammation in your oral tissues.  This can be painful in your mouth, producing sensitive gums and eventually cavities.  But even without dental pain, inflammation can still harm you, because inflammation anywhere in the body affects the entire body.  Did you know that oral inflammation can worsen:
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sleep apnea
  • Dementia
  • Risk of premature birth
Read more here: http://www.dentist-newport-beach.com/upgrade-health-best-dentist/

Friday, December 1, 2017

Looking For Your Ideal Newport Beach Dentist? Here’s Some Tips For Finding A Practice You Love

Dental health is one thing that many people neglect until they have a problem.  By then, however, it’s often too late–if you’re experiencing pain, a lot of damage has likely already occurred to your tooth.  Why suffer more than you have to?  With our tips, you’ll have no trouble finding a local  Newport Beach dentist you love.  (We are partial to Anthony Rich Dentistry.)
  1. Check Your Dentist’s Reputation

In the internet age, there’s no reason to pick a name blindly out of the phone book.  If you’re considering a dentist, a simple first step is to run an online search for their name and practice, and see what kind of patient reviews they have.  This also enables you to see any newspaper or blog articles about your prospective dentist.

  1. Check The State Dental Board

Did you know that your state requires dentists to be regulated by a state dental board?  You can access their website or give them a call to check whether there are any claims against a particular dentist.  Many people omit this step, but if your dentist is in trouble from the state regulatory board, wouldn’t you rather know before you go to your appointment?