Sometimes your toothache can get so severe, your daily activities and work tend to suffer from all the pain. This may call for an immediate visit with your dentist in Newport Beach, CA, and you may find yourself being recommended to receive endodontic care. Now, you may get to asking what endodontic care is. Literally speaking, “endodontic” translates to “inside the tooth” (endo is Greek for inside, and odonto is Greek for tooth). In dental jargon, it essentially means working on the pulp, or the tooth’s soft inner tissue. In layman’s terms, this refers to a root canal. Endodontic Care Toothache or cavities will not automatically send you to a root canal appointment. However, there is the serious possibility that there may be infection, and it could spread to the bone, causing much pain and swelling. Your dentist will then have to examine the extent of the damage on your tooth’s pulp to see if it can still be salvaged.
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